Saturday, March 14, 2009

My little helper

Yesterday Colleen and Malia were going to be coming over to visit and since Malia has started to crawl, I wanted to make extra sure the carpets didn't have any "extras" for her to put into here mouth. This was especially because the boys had popcorn thursday night and I seemed to find a piece everytime I turned around. It was like it was reproducing. Anyway, I digress.....

Midge really wanted to help me get ready for the visit. As I named a couple of things that I needed to get done before their arrival, he informed me that he wanted to do the vacuuming. Impressed by his eagerness to help, I got it out for him, interested to see if he could manuever it and how long it would be before he got bored. He actually handled it well and spent a lot more time on the task than I thought he would. After he finished, I tried to distract him in order to not hurt his feelings as I had to go over a few spots and in true Wyatt fashion, he didn't seem to notice.

After his hard work, he enjoyed some time playing with Malia, sharing his Star Wars toys with her, and showing off for Colleen.

p.s. Isn't Malia adorable!

A trip to the Tri-Cities

Last weekend we went to the Tri-Cities to spend the weekend with Mom, Brendan, Theresa, Carter and Papa and Gram. We all crowded into their house and enjoyed some time together shopping, eating pizza and Papa's cookies, and celebrating Mom's half birthday (more on that later!) and to celebrate that we are adding another little boy to the family. For the first time in a while, I got a few pictures of the boys with Papa and Gram that actually came out. Usually one of them, if not all of them, has their eyes shut or is already half way out of the picture by the time the camera actually decides to take it. (Oh the joys of digital cameras!!) Here are the best of what we got.....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Face Mask Friday

Tonight we decided to do face masks. Austin is convinced that if Nick Jonas does it, then he should to. He and Matt applied a cucumber face peel mask and I did an avacado mask that was a lovely shade of green. Wyatt refused to participate with us, even with the idea that Joe Jonas might do face masks. But he did hang out in the bathroom and giggle non-stop at the three of us. I enjoyed the look I caught him giving his brother as he watched Austin stare at himself in the mirror. I know its an odd friday night activity but we are kind of an odd family. Plus, being the only girl, its nice that the boys will do "girly" things with me!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cozy night with the Yoda blanket

When Austin has a week day off from school, we usually stay up late the night before knowing we can sleep in the next day. Often times we pick a video game to play or a movie that the three of us want to watch and are up way past when kids should be. Tonight, after hanging out with Jes and the kids, we decided to curl up in the living room and watch Spiderman 3 (sadly, my least favorite of the Spidey movies but I did let them choose). Wy of course had to have his Yoda and about 2 minutes after I took these pictures, his eyes were closed. Austin wasn't far behind. So here I sit in my living room, surrounded by sleeping boys and listening to a movie I dislike. All afternoon as they fought and were bouncing off the walls, I wanted peace. But now, surrounded by it, all I can think is that I am so disappointed that they fell asleep on our late night together. But there is always tomorrow night. Maybe they will be all rested up!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Something new

OK, so I have long thought about doing this and have consistently put it off (along with about a thousand other things!). After seeing my friend Jen's blog, it gave me the motivation to at least make the attempt. Now I am going to try it and not only see how I like but see how you all like it. I figure it may be a fun way to let family and friends have a little insight into our lives as I am not the best at writing emails, sending pictures or even making phone calls. I blame it on my mom (love you mom!) since those things aren't in her DNA either.

So it begins......the Life and Times of Midge and AT (and a little about Mom and Dad.)